Wednesday, May 15, 2013


It's been way too long since I posted in this blog!  It seems I lost my way <grin>.  

Custer State Park, in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota, is known for the  buffalos that live there.  When we were there (fall 2012), it seemed like miles before we saw any animals at all - and the first ones we spotted were the Begging Burros. (see blog post).  Finally, after an unsuccessful trip to the buffalo pens (we heard they were being rounded up that day), we finally found a herd and got to snap some photos.

Custer State Park Buffalo - 6" x 8" - oil on paper

This painting is a study for what just might be a larger painting done in the studio.  It is 6" x 8", painted with water-mixable oils on gessoed watercolor paper.

And just in case you didn't see my "normal" blog yesterday - I'm running a contest this week.  It's a chance to win a print and all you need to do is sign up for my Occasional Artzine.  Check it out....  click here to read more...

Thanks for stopping by!  